The Celtic Collection
The Dance of the Goddess Collection
The Goddess Circle Collection
The Ancient Voices Collection
The Ancient Wisdom Collection
The Totem Spirit Collection
The Angel Collection
Tarot Pendants or Earrings
Tarot Figures
Pendants by Wellstone Jewelry
Men's Rings
Brooches, Buttons, Other
Pregnancy, Midwifery, Doula, Birthing and Motherhood
Chains, etc.
Romantic Gifts
Natural Crystals
The Ancient Voices Collection

Medicine Woman Goddess Pendant
$62.00 - $68.00
$62.00 - $68.00

Medicine Woman Goddess Earrings

Sisters of the Dreamtime Goddess Pendant

Sisters of the Dreamtime Goddess Earrings

Medicine Healer Goddess Pendant
$62.00 - $68.00
$62.00 - $68.00

Healing Woman Goddess Pendant
$62.00 - $68.00
$62.00 - $68.00

Healing Woman Goddess Earrings

Healing Woman Goddess Ring
$72.00 - $82.00
$72.00 - $82.00

Medicine Wheel Pendant
$58.00 - $64.00
$58.00 - $64.00

Medicine Wheel Earrings

Medicine Wheel Ring
$70.00 - $80.00
$70.00 - $80.00

Moon and Star Pendant

Moon and Star Earrings

Moon and Star Posts

Corn Mother Ishtar Goddess Pendant
$58.00 - $64.00
$58.00 - $64.00

Corn Mother Ishtar Goddess Earrings

Wisdom's Treasure Goddess Pendant
$82.00 - $88.00
$82.00 - $88.00

Kali Yantra Pendant

Green Man Pendant

Green Man Pendant, no stone

Green Man Earrings

Green Man Ring

Labyris Pendant

Labyris Earrings

T'sonokwa Pendant

Kwan Yin Goddess Pendant

Wisdom Eyes of the Buddha Pendant

Venus of Lespugue GoddessPendant
$106.00 - $112.00
$106.00 - $112.00

Willendorf Goddess Ring

Medicine Healer Goddess Ring in Sterling Silver
$74.00 - $80.00
$74.00 - $80.00

Thunderbolt Earrings in Sterling Silver