It's Easy!
You can place your retail order by using one of these methods:
- Using our encrypted secure server you can safely input your credit card information using Visa , MasterCard, American Express or Paypal. Start at our Jewelry Themes page, find the design of your choice and you'll be taken to the secure order page. Just fill in the data.
- Place your order by phone using Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Paypal:
- Call our toll free number in the U.S. & Canada - 1-800-544-8773.
- Alternatively, you can call 1-530-477-1177
- Fax your order at (530) 477-1364 - Send check or money order to:
PO Box 952
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Make checks payable to Wellstone. Please include the item number, description, stone choice (if any) and, if ordering a ring, appropriate ring size. Total of payment must include $9.95 shipping and, if you live in California, 7.5% CA sales tax.
Questions? Call 1-800=544-8773 or Email us!